Japanese Adjectives Two

In this Japanese Adjectives Two, in our Learn Japanese series, we will further explore how adjectives are put together in Japanese.

Just as in English, you can have more than one adjective in a sentence.

With the "i" い adjectives, you just drop the "i" and add kute:

Takai = taka + kute = takakute

With the "na" adjectives, you just drop the "na" and add de:

Kouka na = kouka + de = kouka de

The ...te form of ii is yokute

Expensive = 高い = たかい red = 赤い = かい 

bicycle = 自転車 = じてんしゃ expensive = 高価な = こうかな 

sturdy = 丈夫な = じょう

This is an expensive, red bicycle. これは高くて赤い自転車です。

This is an expensive, sturdy bicycle. これは高価で丈夫な自転車です。

After the word list are a few examples:

Mr Suzuki = 鈴木さん = すずきさん clever = 頭がいい = あたまがいい

kind = 優しい = やさしい cool = かっこいい Peter = ピーターさん

mean = 意地悪 = いじわる terrible = ひどい person = 人 = ひと 

big = 大きい gentle = 大人しい = おとなしい horse = 馬 = うま 


Mr Suzuki is smart, kind and cool.


Peter is a mean and terrible person. 


When adjectives come before the noun, you start with the one you want to emphasize the most:

A BIG, gentle horse. 


A GENTLE, big horse. 


To form the negative …te form
and a na-adjective

To form the negative …te form, drop the i and add kunakute.

        Takai = taka = takakunakute.

For a na-adjective, add de wa nakute to its stem

         Kirei na = kirei de wa nakute 

After the word list are a few examples:

sushi = 寿司  = すし  not very = 余り  = あまり  expensive = 高い = たかい 

delicious = おいしい pretty = きれい

This sushi is not expensive and is delicious.   


It's not pretty and not very good.


To form the present negative 
and present negative of a  na-adjective

With the "i" い adjectives, you just drop the "i" and add kunai:

                 Takai = taka + kunai = takakunai

With the "na" adjectives, you just drop the "na" and add de wa nai:

                 Kouka na = kouka + de wa nai = kouka de wa nai

After the word list are a few examples:

This = この  movie = 映画 = えいが interesting = 面白い = おもしろい that = その

dirty = 汚い = きたない  face =  = かお  to wash = 洗う = あらう

implies the avoidance of future problems = おいて please = ください  

math = 数学  = すうがく problem = 問題 = もんだい simple = 簡単な = かんたん 

he = 彼 = かれ running = 走り = はしり  poor at = 下手  = へた 

This movie is not interesting. 


This is an uninteresting movie.


Please wash your dirty face. 


That math problem was not easy. 


He was not poor at running. 


To form the past positive

With the "i" い adjectives, you just drop the "i" and add katta:

                         Takai = taka + katta = takakatta

With the "na" adjectives, you just drop the "na" and add deshita:

                         Kouka na = kouka + deshita = kouka deshita

After the below word list are a few examples:

car = 車くるま cheap = 安い = やすい delicious =  おいしい 

That movie was interesting. 


His car was cheap. 


The sushi was delicious. 


Past Positive na-adjective

That math problem was easy. 


He was poor at running.


To form the past negative

With the "i" adjectives, you just drop the "i" and add kunakatta:

Takai = taka + kunakatta = takakunakatta

With the "na" adjectives, you just drop the "na" and

add arimasen deshita:

Kouka na = kouka + de wa arimasen deshita = kouka de wa arimasen deshita

That movie was not interesting. 


His car was not cheap. 


Past negative na-adjective

That was not a very beautiful apartment.


That was not a serious conversation.



Basic Japanese vocabulary for the below exercise.

It's written first in English, then kanji and finally hiragana:

Commute = 通勤 = つうきん convenient = 便利な = べんりな rent = 家賃 = やちん

expensive = 高い   = たかい very= とても  pretty = きれいな car = 車 = くるま 

Professor Yamada = 山田先生 = やまだせんせい strict = 厳しい = きびしい 

even if ...。。。ても to mind = かまう shirt(s) = シャツ washing = 洗濯 = せんたく 

simple = 簡単 = かんたん last week = 先週 = せんしゅう  trip = 旅行 = りょこう 

to be fun = 楽しい = たのしい math = 数学 = すうがく homework = 宿題 しゅくだい

difficult = 難しい = むずかしい hot = 暑い = あつい don't you think? = でしょう 

business meeting = 会議 = かいぎ short= 短かい = みじかい 

Saturday = 土曜日 = どようび 


Try to translate English to Japanese for the below sentences, using the above list of words.

1. The commute is not convenient, and the rent is expensive, but it's a very beautiful apartment. 

2. Because it was not delicious, I couldn't eat it.

3. The sushi was not delicious. 

4. This car is not expensive.  

5. I don't mind if Professor Yamada is strict. 

6. This shirt is easy and convenient to wash. 

7. Last week's trip was fun. 

8. The math homework was difficult. 

9. It was hot, wasn't it?  

10. The meeting wasn’t short. 

11. It wasn't hot Saturday. 

12. That was not easy. It was very difficult! 

Once you have done it, click here to see how you did.

Now, do it again and again until you are perfect and fast.

The only way to remember all this in Japanese Adjectives Two is to practice it on a regular basis.

The best way to do this is:

  1. Come back to this page regularly and check yourself on the above 12 Japanese phrases.
  2. Write an example of each of the tenses in a small note book, so as to practice them when you have nothing to do, like waiting for a bus.
  3. Learn Japanese kanji by also writing the above kanji in a separate notebook and practicing these on a regular basis too.

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