In this Japanese Particles Five, of our Learn Japanese series, we look at ya, ka and shika.
Let's start off with "ya." In hiragana, this is や.
This is very similar to the particle "to と" that we looked at in Japanese Partcles Four. They both mean "and," but the difference being that "ya" includes other relevant or supposed things, which aren't mentioned.
After the word list are a few examples:
Rice = ご飯 = ごはん natto = 納豆 = なっとう 豆腐 tofu = とうふ
university = 大学校 = だいがっこう to begin = 始まる = はじまる
cellphone = 携帯 = けいたい computer = コンピューター
electronic dictionary = 電子辞書 = でんしじしょ necessary = 必要 = ひつよう
they = 彼ら = かれら that = あれ this = これ concerning = について
to talk = 話し合う = はなしあう
I eat rice, natto and tofu, etc.
When university starts, you'll need things like a cellphone, a computer and a dictionary.
They talked about this and that.
It basically means "or." Use it when you want to list alternatives.
After the below word list are a few examples:
Problem = 問題 = もんだい
I eat rice, natto or tofu.
When university starts, you'll need a cellphone or a computer.
They will talk about my problem or your problem.
Shika can be translated as "only," in the sense of items being too few, too little or limited in some way.
What follows "shika", be it a verb or "desu" must be in the negative:
Mother only eats steak. Haha wa sute-ki shika tabemasen.
After the below word list are a few examples:
ticket = 切符 = きっぷ 2... = 二枚 = にまい there are = ある mother = 母 = はは
steak = ステーキ
There are only two tickets.
I only spoke to Peter.
Mother only eats steak.
Basic Japanese vocabulary for the below exercise.
It's written first in English, then kanji and finally hiragana:
Tennis = テニス baseblall = 野球 = やきゅう soccer = サッカ like = 好き = すき
party = パーテイ Peter = ピーター Mr Suzuki = 鈴木さん = すずきさん
to meet = 会う = あう to go fishing = 釣りに行く = つりにいく
thing(turns a verb into a noun) = こと movie = 映画 = えいが karaoke = カラオケ
university = 大学校 = だいがっこう to bigin = 始まる = はじまる
cellphone = 携帯 = けいたい computer = コンピューター
electronic dictionary = 電子辞書 = でんしじしょ necessary = 必要 = ひつよう
they = 彼ら = かれら that = あれ this = これ about = について
to talk = 話し合う = はなしあう whisky = ワイスキー brandy = ブランでイー
to drink = 飲む = のむ to say = 言う = いう to listen to = 聞く = きく
coffee = コーヒー coca cola = コカコーラ 2000 yen = 二千円 = にせんえん
romantic = ロマンチックな movie = 映画 = えいが umbrella = かさ
one(counter for something cylindrical)一本 = いっぽん
to bring = 持ってくる = もってくる five minutes = 五分 = ごふん
to wait = 待つ = まつ
Try to translate English to Japanese for the below sentences, using the above list of words.
1. I play tennis, baseball and soccer, etc.
2. At the party, among others, I met Peter, Suzuki-san and Kana.
3. I like things like going fishing, watching movies and
going to karaoke.
4. When university starts, you'll need things like a cellphone, a computer and a dictionary.
5. He talked about this and that.
6. Will you drink whisky or brandy?
7. Are you listening to her or not?
8. You may have coffee or Coca-Cola .
9. I only have¥2000..
10. I only watch romantic movies.
11. I only brought one umbrella.
12. I only waited five minutes.
Once you have done it, click here to see how you did.
The only way to remember all this in Japanese Particles Five is to practice it on a regular basis.
The best way to do this is: