Japanese Verbs Eighteen, in our Learn Japanese series, deals with how to convey to someone that they can't do something and also that "all that someone ever does is ..."
For this "they can't do something" we can use the construction:
...te wa ikenai.
Again use the "...tte" form with this constrution.
For example, if you wanted to say, "Don't be late."
To be late =okureru.
This becomes: okurete.
Now add "wa ikemasen":
okurete wa ikemasen.
Plain Form "te" form +tte ikemasen Kanji/Kana
Suru shite shite wa ikemasen してはいけません
Verbs that end in "ru:"
Miru mite mite wa ikemasen 見てはいけません
Taberu tabete tabete wa ikemasen 食べてはいけません
Verbs that end in "u:"
Matsu matte matte wa ikemasen 待ってはいけません
Yomu yonde yonde wa ikemasen 読んではいけません
Modoru modotte modotte wa ikemasen 戻ってはいけません
After the word list are a few examples:
Here = ここ at = で photograph = 写真 = しゃしん to take = とる work = 仕事 = しごと
particle that indicates the subject within a larger topic = が
to get behind = 遅れる = おくれる computer = パソコン to touch = 触る = さわる
You can’t take photos here.
Don't get behind in your work.
Don't touch my PC!
Wallet = 財布 = さいふ to forget = 忘れる = わすれる
Oh no! I forgot my wallet!
You can’t take photos here.
This translates to "the only thing (someone)ever does is…"
After the word list are a few examples:
cake = ケーキ that(over there) = あの child = 子 = こ TV = テレビ
she = 彼女 = かのじょ romantic = ロマンチックな novel = 本 = ほん
All you ever do is eat cake.
All that child ever does is watch the TV.
All she ever reads are romantic novels.
Basic Japanese vocabulary for the below exercise.
It's written first in English, then kanji and finally hiragana:
He = 彼 = かれ possessive particle = の guitar = ギター lesson = 授業 = じゅぎょう
during = 中 = ちゅう friend= 友達 = ともだち with = と to speak = 話す = はなす
to smoke = タバコを吸う = タバコをすう wallet = 財布 = さいふ
to forget = 忘れる = わすれる indicates something unexpected happened = しまう
ticket = 乗車券 = じょうしゃけん passport = パスポート
computer game = コンピュータゲーム to do = やる after = 後で = あとで
to play mahjong = マージャンをする sport = スポツ among = 中 = なか
sumu = 相撲 = すもう abroad = 海外 = かいがい trip = 旅行 = りょこう
when = とき England = イギリス
Try to translate English to Japanese for the below sentences, using the above list of words.
1. Don’t touch his guitar!
2. You can’t wait here!
3. You can’t speak to friends during the lesson.
4. No smoking!
5. Oh no! Jill forgot to take her ticket!
6. Oh no! I forgot my passport!
7. All he ever does is play computer games.
8. All you ever do after work is play mahjong!
9. Sumo is the only sport he ever watches.
10. Whenever he goes abroad, he only ever goes to England.
Once you have done it, click here to see how you did.
The only way to remember all this in Japanese Verbs Eighteen is to practice it on a regular basis.
The best way to do this is: