With this Japanese Verbs Eleven, in our Learn Japanese series, we will look at how to use the "...te" form of verbs with other Japanese words to make slightly more complicated sentences.
Just used as it is, it allows you to string a load of clauses together and form a complex sentence. So now you are learning a little more than just basic Japanese.
For example, if you wanted to say, "I drank, sang and ate all night."
There are three types of verb:
Plain Form Verb Stem "te" form Kanji/Kana
Kuru ki kite 来て
Suru shi shite して
Verbs that end in "ru:"
Miru mi mite 見て
Taberu tabe tabete 食べて
Verbs that end in "u:"
Katsu kachi katte 勝って
Yomu yomi yonde 読んで
Modoru modori modotte 戻って
Beware of the "u" form, they are not supposed to be irregular. However, the way they change is sometimes not what you would expect. Most verbs that end in "ru" behave like "taberu," but not all.
As you can see, it's mostly, but not always, just a matter of adding "te" to the stem.
After the word list are a few examples:
Jill = ジル Bicycle = 自転車 = じてんしゃ To buy = 買う = かう
Library = 図書館 = としょかん To go = 行く = いく Music = 音楽 = おんがく
To listen = 聴く = きく Usually = たいてい Coffee = コーヒー Rice = ご飯 = ごはん
Book = 本 = ほん English conversation = 英会話 = えいかいわ Report = レポート
To write = 書く = かく Now = 今 = いま I = 私 = わたし Chair = 椅子 = いす
To sit = 座る = すわる Snack = スナック
Jill bought a bicycle, went to the library and listened to some music.
Kana usually drinks coffee and eats rice.
The students will read a book, listen to an English conversation and write an essay.
At the moment, I am sitting in a chair, eating a snack.
As you can see, the tense of the sentence depends on the last verb and applies to each one of those "...te" verbs in the sentence.
Let's use a few examples:
Every evening = 毎晩 = まいばん to cook = 料理する = りょうりする
to make trouble = 苦労する = くろう new car = 新車 = しんしゃ
because he bought ... = 買って jealous = うらやましい
a boy's name = よし a famliar alternative to "san" = くん always = いつも
mother = お母さん = おかあさん to help = 手伝いをする = てつだい
great = えらい don't you think? = ね
It's a bother because I have to cook every evening.
I'm jealous because Jill bought a new car.
Isn't it great (for the reason) that Yoshi always helps his mother.
Basic Japanese vocabulary for the below exercise.
It's written first in English, then Japanese kanji and finally hiragana:
Tomorrow = 明日 = あした he = 彼 = かれ early = 早く = はやく
to get up = 起きる = おきる shower = シャワー to bathe = 浴びる = あびる
coffee = コーヒー they = 彼ら = かれら all night = 一晩中 = いちばんじゅう
to sing = 歌う = うたう hotel = ホテル from = から bus = バス with = で
to go = 行く = いく souvenir = おみやげ various = いろいろ TV = テレビ
karaoke = カラオケ friend = 友達 = ともだち to/with = と
want to talk = 話したい = はなしたい to smile = にっこりする
to greet = 挨拶する = あいさつする to phone = 電話する = でんわする
room = 部屋 = へや to tidy = 片付ける = かたつける shopping = 買い物 = かいもの
indicates direction = に must go = 行かなければなりません
this morning = 今朝 = けさ 7 o'clock = 七時 = しちじ breakfast = ご飯 = ごはん
8 o'clock = 八時半 = はちじはん to leave = 出る = でる yesterday = 昨日 = きのう
dog = 犬 = いぬ outside = そとで to let play = 遊ばせる = あそばせる
food = えさ to give = 与える = あたえる oneself = 自分 = じぶん
dinner = 夕食 = ゆうはん to make = 作る = つくる now = 今 = いま steak = ステーキ
white = 白い = しろい wine = ワイン she = 彼女 = かのじょ bath = お風呂 = おふろ
to enter = 入る = はいる to feel refreshed = さっぱりする piano = ピアノ
to practice = 練習する = れんしゅうする English = 英語 = えいご
to study = 勉強する = べんきょうする Japanese = 日本の にほんの
history = 歴史 = れきし
Try to translate English to Japanese for the below sentences, using the above list of Japanese words.
1. Tomorrow he will get up early, take a shower and drink coffee.
2.They drank, sang and ate all night.
3. They went by bus from the hotel and bought all sorts of souvenirs.
4. I like to watch TV, go to karaoke and talk to my friends.
5. He greeted us and smiled.
6. I've got to call Kana, straighten up my room and go shopping.
7. This morning I got up at 7 o’clock, ate breakfast and left home at half past eight.
8. Yesterday Jill let the dog play outside, fed him and then made her own dinner.
9. I'm eating steak, drinking white wine and talking to friends now.
10. She took a bath and now feels refreshed.
11. Kana has been practising the
piano, studying English and reading Japanese history this morning.
Once you have done it, click here to see how you did.
The only way to remember all this in Japanese Verbs Eleven is to practice it on a regular basis.
The best way to do this is: