In this Japanese Verbs Nineteen, of our Learn Japanese series, let's look at some uses of the plain past form of the verb, plus how to say "one used to ..." or that something just happened.
For example, you can use it to modify a noun as in:
The cake I ate yesterday.
kinou tabeta ke-ki.
Or used in the familiar form:
I ate cake yesterday.
Kinou ke-ki o tabeta.
After the word list are a few examples:
To borrow = 借りる = かりる book = 本 = ほん belonging to = の thing(s) = こと
was interesting = 面白かった = おもしろかった is interesting = おもしろい
was tasty = おいしかった is tasty = おいしい
The book I borrowed was Jill's.
The things he studied were interesting.
The sushi I ate was very tasty.
After the below word list are a few examples:
Children = 子供 = こども when =とき winter = 冬 = ふゆ vacation = 休み = やすみ
Hokkaido = 北海度 = ほっかいど to go = 行く = いく young = 若い = わかい
when = ころ every night = 毎晩 = まいばん music = 音楽 = おんがく
to listen to = 聴く = きく many years ago = 昔 = むかし this= この town = 町 = まち
lively = にぎやか was = だった is = です
When I was a kid, I used to go to Hokkaido during winter vacation every year.
When I was young, I used to listen to music every night.
Many years ago, this town used to be lively.
This translates to "someone just did something."
After the word list are a few examples:
Grandfather = おじいさん to return = 帰る = かえる breakfast = 朝ご飯 = あさごはん
car = 車 = くるま to clean = 掃除する = そうじする
Grandfather just got back.
I just ate breakfast.
I just cleaned my car.
Basic Japanese vocabulary for the below exercise.
It's written first in English, then kanji and finally hiragana:
Summer = 夏 = なつ vacation = 休み = やすみ belonging to = の
to stay = 泊まる = とまる hotel = オーテル was awesome = すごかった
is awesome = すごい she = 彼女 = かのじょ that = その
2 months = 二ヶ月 にかげつ before = 前 まえ to build = 建てる = たてる
house = 家 = いえ to live in = 住む = すむ yesterday = 昨日 = きのう
to meet = 会う = あう person = 人 = ひと Mr Suzuki = 鈴木さん = すずきさん
Sunday = 日曜日 = にちようび to go for a walk = 散歩に行く = さんぽにいく
university student = 大学生 = だいがくせい every week = 毎週
to have a party = パーテイーをする to play baseball = 野球をする = やきゅうをする
recently = この前 = このまえ cigarettes = タバコ to quit = やめる
rent = 家賃 = やちん to pay = 払う = はらう to leave = 出かける = でかける
Try to translate English to Japanese for the below sentences, using the above list of words.
1. The hotel we stayed in last summer was awesome.
2. She lives in that house that was built two months ago.
3. The person I met yesterday was Mr Suzuki.
4. I used to go walking every Sunday.
5. When I was a university student, I used to party every week.
6. When he was young he played baseball.
7. I just quit smoking.
8. I just paid the rent
9. Mr Suzuki just left.
Once you have done it, click here to see how you did.
The only way to remember all this in Japanese Verbs Nineteen is to practice it on a regular basis.
The best way to do this is: