With Japanese Verbs Sixteen, in the Learn Japanese series, we will look at how to give the idea that something is finished and also that you have done something you regret.
For this we can use the construction ...te shimau.
Again use the "...tte" form with this constrution.
For example, if you wanted to say, "I finished eating breakfast"
To eat = taberu.
This becomes: tabete.
Now add "shimau" :
tabete shimaimasu.
Plain Form "te" form +tte shimau Kanji/Kana
Kuru kite kite shimau 来てしまう
Suru shite shite shimau してしまう
Verbs that end in "ru:"
Miru mite mite shimau 見てしまう
Taberu tabete tabete shimau 食べてしまう
Verbs that end in "u:"
Matsu matte matte shimau 待ってしまう
Yomu yonde yonde shimau 読んでしまう
Modoru modotte modotte shimau 戻ってしまう
After the word list are a few examples:
Homework = 宿題 = しゅくだい plate = お皿 = おさら to wash = 洗う = あらう
breakfast = 朝ごはん = あさごはん
"Shimau" does have a few nuances and one of them is "to finish something, or to put away something. "
It also indicates a completing something.
Let's finish up our homework.
I finished doing the dishes.
I've finished eating breakfast.
After the word list are a few examples:
Computer = パソコン Takasaki(a city) = 高崎 = たかさき to go = 行く = いく Jill = ジル
that = その difficult = 難しい = むずかしい
a Japanese test = 日本語試験 = にほんごしけん to pass = 合格する = ごうかくする
I bought a computer.
He up and went to Takasaki.
Jill passed that difficult Japanese test.
After the word list are a few examples:
Shirt(s) = シャツ to get dirty = 汚れる = よごれる bus = バス
to be late for = 乗り遅れる = のりおくれる coffee = コーヒー
to get cold = 冷める = さめる
My shirt got dirty!
We'll miss the bus!
My coffee has gotten cold.
Basic Japanese vocabulary for the below exercise.
It's written first in English, then kanji and finally hiragana:
Room = 部屋 = へや to clean = 掃除する = そうじする beer = ビール
saturday = 土曜日 = どようび by = までに that = それ to finish = 済ませる = すませる
ought to = べき Kana = カナ new = 新しい = あたらしい car = 車 くるま
Mr Suzuki = 鈴木さん = すずきさん English = 英語 = えいご
teacher = 先生 = せんせい as = として job = 仕事 = しごと
to look for = 探す = さがす wallet = 財布 = さいふ to lose = 無くす = なくす
all = 全部 = ぜんぶ belonging to = の money = お金 = おかね
to use = 使う = つかう completely = 完全に = かんぜんに french = フランスご
to forget = 忘れる = わすれる job intereview = 面接試験 めんせつしけん
to flunk = 落ちる = おちる
Try to translate English to Japanese for the below sentences, using the above list of words.
1. You should finish cleaning up your room.
2. Let's finish the beer.
3. You ought to have it done by saturday.
4. Kana bought a new car
5. Mr Suzuki will look for a job as an English teacher.
6. My coffee has gotten cold.
7. I have lost my wallet.
8. Unfortunately, I spent all my money.
9. Unfortunately, I’ve forgotten all of my French.
10. Unfortunately, I flunked the job interview.
Once you have done it, click here to see how you did.
The only way to remember all this in Japanese Verbs Sixteen is to practice it on a regular basis.
The best way to do this is: