In this Japanese Verbs Ten, of the Learn Japanese series, we will look at the idea of how to put across the idea of "doing ...again" and "continuing to do ..." We do this again by just by adding a suffix to the stem of any Japanese verb.
Let's begin with the idea of "doing ...again," or "repairing something." As you will appreciate this will apply to doing things, so you won't be able to use this with every verb, because it won't make sense.
For this, the suffix will be naosu.
For all verbs just add this to the regular stem.
Basically, take the verb stem and then just add the ending ...naosu.
For example, the verb yomu, which means to read:
Verb stem = yomi. Now add "naosu," which becomes yominaosu, which means "re-read."
This basically creates a new verb, so all you need to do is apply the rules for making the various tenses.
Plain Form Verb Stem "+naosu" Kanji/Kana
Suru shi shinaosu しなおす
Verbs that end in "ru:"
Kangaeru kangae kangaenaosu 考えなおす
Miru mi minaosu 見なおす
Verbs that end in "u:"
Kaku kaki kakinaosu 書きなおす
Yaru yari yarinaosu やりなおす
After the word list are a few examples:
Address book = 住所録 = じゅうしょろく new = 新しい = あたらしい thing = もの
lunch = お昼 after = 後で = あとで telephone = 電話 = でんわ
report = 報告書 = ほうこくしょ write again = 書き直す = かきなおす
Jill brought her address book up to date.
I will call her again after lunch.
I can't read this report, so would you please write it again.
Plain Form Verb Stem "+tsuzukeru" Kanji/Kana
Suru shi shitsuzukeru し続ける
Verbs that end in "ru:"
Miru mi mitsuzukeru 見続ける
Taberu tabe tabetsuzukeru 食べ続ける
Verbs that end in "u:"
Katsu kachi kachitsuzukeru 勝ち続ける
Yomu yomi yomitsuzukeru 読み続ける
After the word list are a few examples:
Jill = ジル argument = 喧嘩 = けんか after = 後で = あとで
to remain silent = 黙り続ける = だまりつづける
a break = 休憩 = きゅうけい until = まで music = 音楽 = おんがく
to listen to 聴く = きく
After the argument, Jill remained silent.
He continued reading up to the break.
Please continue listening to the music.
Basic Japanese vocabulary for the below exercise.
It's written first in English, then kanji and finally hiragana:
Even though = のに movie = 映画 えいが lunch = 昼食 = ちゅうしょく
a public lottery = 宝くじ = たからくじ to win = 当たる = あたる work = 仕事 = しごと
plan = 計画 = けいかく to review = 練りなおす = ねりなおす various = いろいろな
mistake(s) = 間違い = まちがい because = から
report(s) = 報告書 = ほうこくしょ exam = 試験 = しけん before = 前 = まえ
address book = 住所録 = じゅうしょろく new = 新しい = あたらしい thing もの
car = 車 = くるま to have second thoughts = 考え直す Japan = 日本 = にほん
to go = 行く = いく Japanese = 日本語 = にほんご
to brush up = やり直す = やりなおすintention = つもり
many times = 何回も = なんかいも tune = 曲 = きょく to play = 弾く ひく
Try to translate English to Japanese for the below sentences, using the above list of words.
1. He continued watching the movie, even though he had seen it before.
2. We will continue talking after lunch.
3. If I win the lottery I will not keep on working.
4. We will have to review the plan.
5. Because of various mistakes, you will have to re-write the report.
6. He went over his notes before the exam.
7. I had second thoughts about buying a car.
8. I intend to brush up on my Japanese, before going to Japan.
9. She played that tune over and over.
Once you have done it, click here to see how you did.
The only way to remember all this in Japanese Verbs Ten is to practice it on a regular basis.
The best way to do this is: