In this Japanese Verbs Twelve, we will look at how to say you will do something for someone and that some action comes after another.
Using the "...tte ageru" form means that you will do something for someone else or that you got or will get someone to do something for another person.
For example, if you wanted to say, "I'll wait for you," or "Please lend Jill your umbrella."
You can also use other prepositional type of words after the ...tte form, like: kara, which means "after." This, combined with the "te" form, allows you to say things like, "After reading a book I ..."
After the word list are a few examples:
Bag(s) = 袋 = ふくろ to carry = 運ぶ = はこぶ
Please lend Jill your bicycle.
If you don't want to drink it, I''ll drink it for you.
I will carry your bags for you.
This is done by adding "kara" after the "te" form of the verb.
For example, the verb yomu, which means to read:
The "te" form of the verb stem =
yonde. Now add "kara," which becomes yonde kara. This means "after reading."
Plain Form "te" form +kara Kanji/Kana
Kuru kite kite kara 来てから
Suru shite shite kara してから
Verbs that end in "ru:"
Miru mite mite kara 見てから
Taberu tabete tabete kara 食べてから
Verbs that end in "u:"
Katsu katte katte kara 勝ってから
Yomu yonde yonde kara 読んでから
Modoru modotte modotte kara 戻ってから
Beware of the "u" form, they are not supposed to be irregular. However, the way they change is sometimes not what you would expect. Most verbs that end in "ru" behave like "taberu," but not all.
As you can see, it's just a matter of adding "kara" after the "te" form.
After the word list are a few examples:
To ride = 乗る = のる Sushi = すし Beer = ビール TV = テレビ
After buying a bicycle, Jill cycled to work.
After eating sushi, Bill doesn't usually drink a beer.
After reading this book, I will watch TV.
Basic Japanese vocabulary for the below exercise.
It's written first in English, then kanji and finally hiragana:
Cinema = 映画館 = えいがかん to leave = 出る = でる home = うち
to return = 帰る = かえる newspaper = 新聞 = しんぶん
coffee = コーヒー to drink = 飲む = のむ shopping = 買い物 = かいもの
to go = 行く = いく homework = 宿題 = しゅくだい Jill = ジル
friend = 友達 = ともだち with = と一緒に = といっしょに tennis = テニスをする
movie = 映画 = えいが to return = 帰る = かえる school = 学校 = がっこう
to finish = 終わる = おわる karaoke = カラオケ to wait = 待つ = まつ
after = 後で = あとで mail = メール to send = 送る = おくる
Bill = ビル tie = ネクタイ adjust = 結び直す = むすびなおす please = ください
Try to translate English to Japanese for the below sentences, using the above list of words.
1. After leaving the cinema I went home.
2. After I read the newspaper, I drank a coffee.
3. After I eat I'm going shopping.
4. Jill came over after she did her homework.
5. I played tennis with a friend after doing my homework.
6. Let's watch a movie after kana comes back.
7. Let's go to karaoke, after work.
8. I'll wait for you.
9. I’ll e-mail you later.
10. Please adjust Bill’s tie.
Once you have done it, click here to see how you did.
The only way to remember all this in Japanese Verbs Twelve is to practice it and add to your basic Japanese on a regular basis.
The best way to do this is: