In this Japanese Verbs Twenty Three, of our Learn Japanese series, we will learn how to say "the more you do something, the more ..." as well as the idea of "No matter ..."
For example, you want to say:
"The more you study , the smarter you get."
First minus the final "u" from the plain form of the verb:
to study = benkyou suru = benkyou sur
Next add eba on to the verb:
benkyou sur = benkyou sureba
Next add the plain form of the verb:
benkyou sureba suru
Then add hodo:
benkyou sureba suru hodo
Finally add the rest of the words for your sentence:
benkyou sureba suru hodo atama ga yoku narimasu.
After the word list are a few examples:
To climb = 上る = のぼる difficult(as an adverb) = 難しく = むずかしく
as an adjective = むずかしい to become = なる sweet = 甘い = あまい thing = もの
to be fat(as an adverb) = 太く = ふとく as an adjective - ふとい
to study = 勉強する = べんきょうする head = 頭 = あたま good(as an adverb) = よく
as an adjective = いい clever = 頭が いい
The higher you climb, the more difficult it gets.
The more you eat sweet things, the fatter you'll get.
The more I studied, the smarter I got.
For example:
After the below word list are a few examples:
This = この problem = 問題 = もんだい to solve = 解決する = かいけつする
a particle that turns a verb into a noun = の to do(more familiar than suru) = やる
this kind of = こんな to be fat = 太る = ふとる guitar = ギター
to practice = 練習する = れんしゅうする still = まだ to be poor at = 下手 = へた
No matter how many times I tried to solve this problem, I couldn't do it.
You won't gain weight, no matter how much of this kind of food you eat.
No matter how much he practices the guitar, he’s still poor at it.
After the below word list are a few examples:
To be welcome = 歓迎する = かんげいする now= 今 = いま who= 誰 = だれ
inside = 中 = なか to enter = 入る = はいる what = 何 = なに well = よく
to be able to do = できる he = 彼 = かれ like = 好き = すき
Whenever you come, you will be welcomed.
Whoever comes, I won’t let them in.
Whatever he does, he does it well.
Wherever he goes, he likes it.
Basic Japanese vocabulary for the below exercise.
It's written first in English, then kanji and finally hiragana:
To run = 走る = はしる to be tired = 疲れる = つかれる beer = ビール
to get drunk = 酔っ払う = よっぱらう his = 彼の = かれの book = 本 ほん
math = 数学 = すうがく to understand = 分かる = わかる to sleep = 寝る = ねる
street = 道路 = どうろ crossing = 横断 = おうだん
to be careful = 注意する = ちゅういする
to do too much = し過ぎる = しすぎる one cannot = ことはありません
to praise = ほめる won’t run out of praise ほめきれる rock = ロック
music = 音楽 = おんがく to listen = 聴く = きく to tire of = 飽きる = あきる
to be welcomed = 歓迎する = かんげいする now = 今 = いま who = 誰 = だれ
inside = 中 = なか to enter = 入る はいる what = 何 = なに to do = やる
well = よく to be able to do = できる he = 彼 = かれ like = 好き = すき
first = 始めて = はじめて everyone = みんな a drink = 飲み物 = のみもの
okay = 大丈夫 = だいじょうぶ time = 時間 = じかん there is = ある
to telephone = 電話する = でんわする please = ください
Try to translate English to Japanese for the below sentences, using the above list of words.
1. The more I ran the more tired I became.
2. The more beer I drank the more drunk I became.
3. The more I read his book the more I understood about maths.
4. However much he sleeps, he is still tired.
5. You cannot be too careful in crossing the street.
6. I cannot praise you too much.
7. He never tires of listening to rock music.
8. Whenever he comes, he will be welcomed.
9. Wherever he goes, he will be welcomed.
10. Whoever enters the bar first must buy everone a drink.
11. Whatever he says, it’s okay.
12. Whenever you have the time, please call me.
Once you have done it, click here to see how you did.
The only way to remember all this in Japanese Verbs Twenty three is to practice it on a regular basis.
The best way to do this is: