Japanese Verbs Twenty one

In this Japanese Verbs Twenty one, of our Learn Japanese series, we will look at how to make suppositional statements and talk about times when certain events occurred.

For example, you want to say that if it were to rain tomorrow the game will be cancelled:

First, put the verb into its plain past:

         to rain = ame ga furu = ame ga futta

Next add to shitara:

         Supposing(if)it rains = ame ga futta to shitara

Finally add the rest of the words for your sentence:

         If it rains tomorrow the game will be cancelled

    Ashita ame ga futta to shitara, shiai wa chuushi ni narimasu.


After the word list are a few examples:

next week = 来週 = らいしゅう belonging to = の Saturday = 土曜日 = どようび 

Jill = ジル to come = 来る = くる I = 私 = わたし  really = 本当に = ほんとうに 

to worry = 困る = こまる rich = 金持ち = かねもち more = もっと 

expensive = 高い = たかい car = 車 = くるま tomorrow = 明日 = あした 

snow = 雪 = ゆき to fall = 降る = ふる 

If Jill were to come next Saturday, I'd be worried. 


If I were to become rich, I would buy a more expensive car.


Supposing it snows tomorrow, what shall we do?


When using "...ta to shitemo" instead of "…ta to shitara" the meaning is similar, but has more the meaning of "Even if…"

For example, you could say:     

               Even if he were to come today, I wouldn't be able to see him.

After the below word list are a few examples:

Today = 今日 = きょう to meet = 会う = あう French = フランスご 

to study = 勉強する  = べんきょうする  work = 仕事 = しごと at = で 

to be able to use = 使える = つかえる how much = いくら

full = いっぱい to become =  なる

Even if he were to come today, I wouldn't be able to see him.


Even if you studied French, you probably wouldn't be able to use it in your work.


No matter how much she eats, she never gets full.


When you want to indicate the time when something happened, use "...ta toki."

For example, you want to say, "When I saw that, I was surprised." 


After the word list are a few examples:

to fall = 倒れる = たおれる shirt(s) = シャツ to tear = 破れる = やぶれる that = それ 

to hear = 聞く very = とても  to be surprised = 驚く = おどろく to laugh = 笑う = わらう

His shirt tore when he fell. 


When I heard that, I was very surprised.


I laughed when I read that.




Basic Japanese vocabulary for the below exercise.

It's written first in English, then kanji and finally hiragana:

Spanish = スペイン語  next week = 来年 = らいねん this year = 今年 = ことし 

to marry = 結婚する = けっこんする very(really) = 本当に = ほんとうに 

to be surprised= 驚く = おどろく Mr Suzuki= 鈴木さん = すずきさん with = と 

to meet = 会った = あう this = これ to give = 渡す = わたす please = ください

tomorrow = 明日 = あした rain = 雨 = あめ to fall = 降る = ふる 

match = 試合 = しあい to cancell = 中止  = ちゅうし sick = 病気 = びょうき 

was = だった work = 仕事 = しごと to be tired = 疲れる = つかれる 

concert = コンサート  to go and see = 見に行く = みにいく  student = 学生 = がくせい

to be fat = 太る = ふとる England = イギリス to sleep = 寝る = ねる 

always = いつも bed = ベッド

Try to translate English to Japanese for the below sentences, using the above list of words.

1. If you studied Spanish, we could go to Spain next year.

2. If Jill were to marry this year, I’d be very surprised. 

3.If you should meet Mr Suzuki, please give him this.

4. Even if it rains tomorrow the game will not be cancelled

5. Even if I’m sick, I must go to work.

6. Even if I am tired, I will go to see the concert.

7. When I was ill, I didn’t go to work.

8. When I was a student, I was fat, wasn’t I?

9. When I went to England, I bought this.

10. When I sleep, I always sleep on a bed.

Once you have done it, click here to see how you did.

Now, do it again and again until you are perfect and fast.

The only way to remember all this in Japanese Verbs Twenty one is to practice it on a regular basis.

The best way to do this is:

  1. Come back to this page regularly and check yourself on the above 10 Japanese phrases.
  2. Write an example of each of the tenses in a small note book, so as to practice them when you have nothing to do, like waiting for a bus.
  3. Learn Japanese kanji by also writing the above kanji in a separate notebook and practicing these on a regular basis too.

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