Useful Japanese Words: aida, uchi

Let's understand a little more about these useful Japanese words aida ni 間に and uchi, which basically mean "during."

Aida functions as an adverbial clause with the basic meaning of "while or during."

While in Japanese the aida clause will come first, in English it usually comes last.

Kinou chichi ga nete iru aida ni...

While my father was sleeping ...

After the word list are a few examples:

Yesterday = 昨日 = きのう father = 父 = ちち to sleep = 寝る = ねる 

while = 間 = あいだ = 朝ごはん = あさごはん the boss = 課長 かちょう 

to speak = 話なす = はなす to chat = 喋る = しゃべる 

not good to  = 。。。てはいけません he = 彼 = かれ TV = テレビ 

to watch = 見る = みる

I made breakfast while my father was sleeping yesterday. 


It's not good to chat while the boss is talking. 


He fell asleep while watching TV. 


When the verb expresses a state, it does not need to be in the progressive form

After the word list are a few examples:

money = お金 = おかね there is = ある movie = 映画 = えいが 

coat = コート to put on = 着る = きる bicycle = 自転車 = じてんしゃ 

to have = 持つ = もつ I will do for you = 。。。てあげましょう

I'll go to the movies while I have the money.


I will hold your bag while you put on your coat.


 Can also follow an adjective or a noun

After the word list are a few examples:

School = 学校 = がっこう dislike = 嫌い = きらい what = 何 = なに to say = 言う いう

useless = 無駄 = むだ office worker = サラリーマン money = お金 = おかね

only = だけ to earn = もうける interest rate = 利息 = りそく cheap = 安い やすい 

bank = 銀行  = ぎんこう to borrow = 借りる = かりる

No matter what you tell him, it's no use while he hates school.


While you are a office worker, just earn money. 


While the interest rate is low, I will borrow money from the bank.


Uchi ni has similar meanings to aida ni, but it can also mean "before."

After the word list are a few examples:

Feeling = 気持ち = きもち bad = 悪い = わるい conversation = 会話 = かいわ 

to listen = 聞く = きく happy = 嬉しい = うれしい  very = すっかり

to be titred = へたっば

I became nauseated while watching that movie.


I became happy while listening to that conversation.


I made breakfast while my father was sleeping yesterday. 


She was tired out before she could get to the office. 


Uchi ni also implies that there is a special benefit in doing the action and not doing it will result in a negative consequence:

After the word list are a few examples:

Soba(hot noodles) = そば hot = 暑い = あつい

I'll buy that car while I have the money. (i.e.maybe I won't have money for long)


Let's eat soba while it's hot. 


Uchi follows the nai form of the verb to give the meaning "before ..."

After the word list are a few examples:

Too late = 手遅れ = ておくれ to stop = やめる had better = ほうがいい 

snow = 雪 = き to fall = 降る = ふる park = 公園 = こうえん 

baseball = 野球 = やきゅう store = 店 = みせ to go = 行く = いく

It's better to stop before it's too late. 


Let's play some baseball at the park before it snows.


Let’s go to the store before it rains.



Basic Japanese vocabulary for the below exercise.

It's written first in English, then kanji and finally hiragana:

English = イギリス pub = パブ  guitar = ギター to play = 弾く = ひく 

to pay a ransome = 身代金を払う = みだいきんをはらう  to like = すき that = それ 

to have = 持つ = もつ player = 選手 = せんしゅ skillful = 上手 = じょうず 

practice = 練習 = れんしゅう TV personality = 芸能人 = げいのうじん 

money = 金 = かね a little = 少ない = すくない a walk = 散歩 = さんぽ 

next = 次 = つぎ saturday = 土曜日 = どようび to swim = 泳ぐ = およぐ 

coffee = コーヒー London = ロンドン policeman = 警察官 = けいさつかん 

yesterday = 昨日 = きのう 夜 evening = よる movie = 映画 えいが

Try to translate English to Japanese for the below sentences, using the above list of words.

1.  I watched TV while my mother was sleeping last week.

2.  Please be quiet while Peter is working. 

3.  While I have the money I will go on a trip. 

4.  I will wait while you make a phone call. 

5.  I became tired while listening to that conversation. 

6.  I cheered up looking at her photos. 

7.  Let's play some baseball at the park before it gets dark. 

8.  Please come home before it gets dark. 

9.  While you are in Spain. have fun.

10. I'll participate in a marathon while I have my health.

11. While the road is not crowded let’s go home. 

Once you have done it, click here to see how you did.

Now, do it again and again until you are perfect and fast.

The only way to remember all this in the Useful Japanese Words aida ni and uchi ni, is to practice it on a regular basis.

The best way to do this is:

  1. Come back to this page regularly and check yourself on the above 11 Japanese phrases.
  2. Write an example of each of the tenses in a small note book, so as to practice them when you have nothing to do, like waiting for a bus.
  3. Learn Japanese kanji by also writing the above kanji in a separate notebook and practicing these on a regular basis too.

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