Let's look at a useful Japanese word that allows you express the idea that something used to happen or that it ought to happen.
Use mono, after a verb in the plain past.
You want to say that kids used to go to bed at a certain time, as a usual rule, in the past:
To go to bed = Neru = Plain past = Neta
Add mono = neta mono
After the word list are a few examples:
Kids = 子供 = こども 8 = 八 = はち o'clock = 時 = じ by = まで
to sleep = 寝る = ねる elementary school pupil = 小学生 = しょうがくせい
possessive particle = の when = とき = そと until dark = 暗くまで = くらくまで
to play = 遊ぶ = あそぶ every week = 毎週 = まいしゅう always = = いつも
to go fishing = つりに行く
Kids used to go to bed by 8.
When I was in elementary school, I used to play outside until it got dark.
I used to go fishing every week.
Use mono, after a verb in the simple present.
You want to say that kids should go to bed at a certain time, as a social norm:
To go to bed = neru + mono = neru mono
Kids should go to bed = kodomo wa neru mono
After the word list are a few examples:
More = もっと teacher = 先生 = せんせい to respect = 敬う = うやまう
to enter = 入る = はいる before = 前まえ to knock = ノックする
Kids should go to bed by 8.
You ought to be more respectful to your teacher.
You ought knock before you enter.
After the word list are a few examples:
Coffee = コーヒー one = いっぱい to have (recive) = いただきたい
alone = 一人で = ひとりで to live = 暮らす くらす fox = 狐 = きつね
to become = なる to want to ... = ...たい
I'd like to have a cup of coffee
I would like to live alone.
I wish I were a fox.
Basic Japanese vocabulary for the below exercise.
It's written first in English, then kanji and finally hiragana:
Soccer team = そっかチーム to become popular = もてる
that kind of = そんな important = 大切な = たいせつな
opportunity = 機会 = きかい to deprive = うばう
used to emphasise = なんか
to lose = 負ける = まける to think = 思う = おもう
adds regret = しまう movie = 映画 = えいが to see = 見る = みる
English = イギリス to = へ to travel = 旅行をする = りょこうをする
people = 人々 ひとびと foreigner = 外国人 = がいこくじん
to speak = 話す = はなす dog = 犬 = いぬ evening = 夜 = よる
to bark = 吠える = ほえる more = もっと
Mr Suzuki = 鈴木さん = すずきさん to respect = 敬う = うやまう
go home = 帰る = かえる before = 前に = まえに
boss = 課長 = かちょう to inform = 知らせる = しらせる
this evening = 今晩 = こんばん TV = テレビ
problem = 問題 = もんだい time = 時期
when the time comes = じきくれば natturally = 自然 = しぜんに
to be solved = 解決される = かいけつされる
to be expected = 見られる = みられる USA = 米国 = べいこく
trade = 貿易 = ぼうえき deficit = 赤字 = あかじ
for a while = しばらく like this =このまま
to continue = 続く = つづく to predict = 予想 =よそう
Try to translate English to Japanese for the below sentences, using the above list of words.
1. You'd become popular if you were chosen for the soccer team.
2. You can't take that important opportunity away from them.
3. In spite of thinking that I can't lose to Peter, I did.
4. I'd like to watch a movie.
5. I’d like to make a trip to England.
6. People used to speak to strangers.
7. Dogs shouldn’t bark at night.
8. You ought to be more respectful to Mr Suzuki.
9. You ought to tell your boss before you go home.
10. I would like to watch TV tnight.
11 It is expected that the problem is something that will solve itself when the time comes.
12. It is predicted that the US trade deficit is something wnich
will remain as it is for a while.
Once you have done it, click here to see how you did.
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